Destination 4, Call 4.1 - Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care (single stage - 2023)

Topics: Maintaining access to regular health and care services in case of cross-border emergencies | Resilience and mental wellbeing of the health and care workforce | Environmentally sustainable and climate neutral health and care systems

Deadline: 13.04.2023

Eine Präsentation der Topics durch die Europäische Kommission finden Sie hier. Eine Frage-und-Antwort-Session zu den jeweiligen Topics finden Sie hier.

Maintaining access to regular health and care services in case of cross-border emergencies (RIA)

Cross-cutting priorities: SSH, Digital Agenda

Resilience and mental wellbeing of the health and care workforce (RIA)

Cross-cutting priorities: SSH, Digital Agenda

Environmentally sustainable and climate neutral health and care systems (RIA)

Cross-cutting priorities: SSH, Digital Agenda